Upcoming Events Reminders-Troy
You are invited to sign up for Parent/Teacher Conference March 11th and for classroom a observation (Mulberry, Olive, Magnolia, or Lilac) for Montessori Week February 28 through March 4th. To pick a time slot, enter this link in your internet browser: At that link, you will be asked for your Entry Code, where you should enter the code provided by your child’s teacher. Please do not lose your paper, keep it in a safe place. Each classroom teacher will provide you with her individual classroom access code. If you accidentally misplaced your paper, contact your child’s teacher directly. If you read the weekly scribbles it will be in the reminder section as well.
Upcoming Events Reminders:
Mid-Winter Break: We are closed for Mid-Winter Break February 15th and 16th (Monday and Tuesday).
Family Ball February 19th: Still room! You may sign up to have a good old time the old fashion way; with dancing, mingling with friends, and having real FUN. We encourage you to sign up to bring a dessert as well, but it’s not mandatory! Dress code is Sunday best. NO JEANS please! The form due date has changed to February 17th. ALL forms are due by 6:00PM on February 17th.
Location for family Ball: Troy Community Center, room numbers 304/305, at the address 3179 Livernois Road, Troy, MI 48083.
Time for the Family Ball: The Ball starts at 5:30PM sharp. Make a point to arrive on time to enjoy the whole thing. It ends promptly at 7:00PM.
Entertainment and food: Live DJ “Top Dog” Photo Booth, families bringing deserts to share, water and lemonade stand. Dinner is not included, therefore we strongly recommend that you feed your child well before you arrive for the dance. A full tummy means happy camper! The evening will go smoothly as well.
Montessori week: Montessori week is February 28th – March 5th. Come celebrate with us. Throughout this week, the students and teachers will be participating in various activities. It is not mandatory, but we sure would like to have you come and observe your child’s classroom (Mulberry, Olive, Magnolia, or Lilac).
Parent teacher conference: Please mark your calendar for parent/teacher conferences on March 11th. The signup will be online and your access code is coming home today from your child’s teacher. On this day, there will be no regular school, but child care will be provided for all the Full Day students. If you are signed up for the Kids Club for AM or PM for the entire year, it will be in session.
Book Fair: During our Parent/Teacher Conference on March 11th, UBORNE BOOKS & MORE will be in our building for a Book Fair. Be prepared because your child might want to purchase a book or two!
Enjoy your Mid-Winter Break as well, if you are traveling Safe travel!
SMA Canton 2/1/2016 Tornado/Severe Weather Drill
SMA Canton 2/1/2016 Tornado/Severe Weather Drill
On Monday, February 1, 2016 at 3:45 PM Schoolhouse Montessori Academy – Canton preformed its second of five Tornado/Severe Weather Drills of the 2015/16 school year. This drill was conducted by Neha Ved, School Director. If there are any questions or concerns about today’s drill or any drill procedures, please contact the school at (734) 405-2345.
Neha Ved
Troy-Curriculum Night Phase 2
As we start our brand New Year, 2016, we would like to reach out to you as your child will be entering his/her final year. In our Montessori environment the third year and final year is equivalent to kindergarten. In other words, if your child is five years old by September 1st, 2016 he/she will be a kindergartener. With that being said, we would like to invite you to our Curriculum Phase 2 Night on February 8th. Each teacher will meet you in their respective classrooms. It will start at 5:00PM and end at 6:00PM. We want to emphasize that the kindergarten year is very crucial and vital for your child. Completing the learning cycle in our Montessori environment, will build your child’s learning experience in a concrete and long lasting way. However, if your child’s birthday does not meet the Michigan State cutoff date, please feel free to see me. I will be happy to discuss ongoing educational options with you.
Topics that will be covered:
- Final year in pre-primary classroom
- Daily schedule
- Social development
- Enriched curriculum
- Complex materials
- Individualized Advanced lessons
- State benchmarks versus Montessori
- Monthly projects
- RAZ for Kids A-Z
- Technology
- Physical Education
- Fostering curiosity, independence, life-long love of learning
- Question & Answer session
Friday, February 8, 2016
Time: 5:00 – 6:00pm
Troy Schoolhouse Montessori Open House
You are cordially invited to visit our Troy campus on December 16th, 2015. We are open to the public from 10am-4:00pm to tour our facility for a January 2016 start.
Troy-SMA Pancake & Pajama Day
December 17th, 2015
No need to get changed on this morning, come to school in your pajamas! We are having our Pancake & Pajama day on Thursday, December 17th this year. This is a school-wide event, even the teachers will be dressing in comfortable clothes! Each classroom will be making pancakes for their snack on this day. Make sure the pajamas are appropriate and comfortable to wear all day. Slippers are optional but children MUST bring sneakers for outdoors. If you have any other questions you can ask the front desk.
Troy-Schoolhouse Montessori Academy December Updates!
Talent Show: Our Talent Show will be on Dec. 4th at the Troy Community Center. There will be no KIDS CLUB on this day. The school will promptly end at 3:15pm and every child must be picked up by 3:30PM. Curbside is provided. If you are not able to pick up your, child please make a different arrangement. The Talent show will promptly start at5:30 pm. The Troy community center is located at 3179 Livernois Road, Troy 48083, north entrance, room #304/305. All of the ballet students will be participating in the show and should arrive no later than 4:45pm.
Gleaners: We collected 277 pounds of assorted food for gleaners, which will provide 229 meals for those who cannot afford. Thank you!
Toys for Tots: Cultivating Gratitude through Charitable Giving during the month of December!
We are pleased to announce that again this year Schoolhouse Montessori Academy will be participating in the Toys for Tots drive for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation. We will be collecting NEW, UNOPENED toys, which will be delivered to children in need this holiday season. If you are interested in donating, you can bring your toy during the dates below. Give us a call if you have any other questions. Thanks J
Collection dates: Now-December 11th
Lockdown drill conducted at Schoolhouse, Canton
SMA Canton 11/12/2015 Lockdown Drill
On Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 9:15 AM Schoolhouse Montessori Academy – Canton preformed its first of three Lockdown Drills of the 2015/16 school year. This drill was conducted by Neha Ved, School Director. If there are any questions or concerns about today’s drill or any drill procedures, please contact the school at (734) 405-2345.
Neha Ved
Open house-SMA Canton 11/18/15
Need a lat night tour? We are open until 7:00pm on Wednesday, November 18th!
Schoolhouse Montessori of Canton is hosting a late night Open House on Wednesday, November 18th from 4:00pm-7:00pm! Please join us for an opportunity to tour our facility and learn more about the many benefits of a Montessori education.
We are located at 1669 S. Haggerty rd. Canton, MI 48188
Schoolhouse Canton Houses infants 6wks-6th grade!!
Open M-F 7:00am-6:00pm
Questions? Call Jenny 734-405-2345
Fire Drill conducted on 10/20/15 at Schoolhouse Montessori, Canton
SMA Canton 10/20/2015 Fire Drill
On Tuesday, October 20, 2015 at 11:15 AM Schoolhouse Montessori Academy – Canton preformed its second of five Fire Drills for the 2015/16 school year. This drill was conducted by Neha Ved, School Director. If there are any questions or concerns about today’s drill or any drill procedures, please contact the school at (734) 405-2345.
Neha Ved
Troy Schoolhouse Montessori-Updates
Happy Friday!!
Hope the weekend will be warmer. We had another peaceful week. The students are normalizing at their own pace. We will continue to ask you to cooperate with us, following the ground rules and being independent. Instill in your child that punctuality is an important part of their learning years. With that being said, we would like to see all the students in their classroom by 8:30am to start the day. We have few reminders for you to ponder upon.
- October 22nd is the whole school portrait, dress your child accordingly.
- October 26th is Parent Education Morning at Troy Schoolhouse Montessori Academy. It will begin at 8:30AM and end at 9:00AM. The topic for the morning will be Dr. Maria Montessori Philosophy. We will have a guest speaker; detailed information will come home soon.
- October 30th is our Halloween Parade. We thank you in advance for bringing a bag of fun-size candy for donation! You can drop if off in the cauldron in the hallway.
- November 20th is Parent/Teacher Conference. Sign-in sheets will be out in the lobby October 26th at 8:00 AM. No School on this day, child care will be provided for full day students only. There is no extra cost for the child care.
- Just a heads up, the City of Troy is resurfacing the road between Wattles and Big Beaver starting Monday October 12th. According to the MSE-E Engineering Specialist, it should be completed by the end of October or early November. It will definitely affect our traffic flow, so please be safe and be patient. We start our curbside service at 8:00AM and end at 8:30 AM for drop off. Please take the full advantage of this service. The school Building will promptly close at 6:00PM. Make a point to get here to pick up your child on time. If you cannot make it on time, make sure you make an alternative arrangement.
Have great Weekend!!!
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony”.